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OMINDUSTRIALSERVICES 5849488be120430a1cc90e72 Manufacturer
  • 2022-07-05T10:33:27

ACETONE CYANOHYDRIN is a colourless, highly toxic and hazardous liquid which can cause damage to human life. Its poisoning symptoms in case of absorption through skin come slower than those of HCN. Preparation of methacrylic acid and its esters. To prepare ethyl hydroxy-isobuty rate a pharmaceutical intermediate. For manufacturing of azobisisobutyro-nitrile (AIBN), a very useful catalyst for vinyl polymerization. ACH can be hydrogenerated in methanolic acetate acid in the presence of cobalt or silica gel to give predominantly -B-hydroxy- Isobuty/amine with liquid secondary and tertiary amine by-products.

ACETONE CYANOHYDRIN is a colourless, highly toxic and hazardous liquid which can cause damage to human life. Its poisoning symptoms in case of absorption through skin come slower than those of HCN. Preparation of methacrylic acid and its esters. To prepare ethyl hydroxy-isobuty rate a pharmaceutical intermediate. For manufacturing of azobisisobutyro-nitrile (AIBN), a very useful catalyst for vinyl polymerization. ACH can be hydrogenerated in methanolic acetate acid in the presence of cobalt or silica gel to give predominantly -B-hydroxy- Isobuty/amine with liquid secondary and tertiary amine by-products.

  • 2022-07-05T10:33:27

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